❼ómo tienes planeado involucrar a la comunidad en tu proceso de desarrollo? ❾l precio del juego será diferente durante y después del acceso anticipado? “Please see the "about this game" section for features that have already been implemented.” ❼uál es el estado actual de la versión de acceso anticipado? Smooth out the current animations and create new ones for actions (shots, headers, dives, etc.) and celebrations (including lamenting).Include more maps, team kits, balls, shoes and keeper gloves.Create a web application that allows communities to easily manage competitions and track match statistics.Besides resolving a couple of engine limitations, this will also make it possible to release native macOS and Linux versions. Port the game to the newest Source Engine version.
“Here's a list of what we currently have in plan for the full version: ❼uán diferente será la versión completa de la versión de acceso anticipado? Development will continue after this to further improve the game over time.” Once we have a version that satisfies our standards and goals, we will release the full version. “This heavily depends on the number of volunteer contributors we can attract and how much time they will be able to spend working on the project. ❼uánto tiempo va a estar este juego en acceso anticipado aproximadamente? We feel like it's time to finally go public to attract more players, asset creators and developers to bring the game to its full potential.” “The game is in a good state in our opinion, but it's not yet where we want it to be for a full release.